For busy entrepreneurs and business leaders, Client 会计 Services, 简称CAS, 能带来巨大的好处. 作为一个商业领袖, 你很清楚可靠的会计和财务报告对企业成功的重要性. 然而, 公平地说,许多企业缺乏资源和专业知识来成功地配备和管理自己的内部会计部门.

在这些场景中, 解决方案在于将他们的会计需求外包给提供客户会计服务的外部会计公司. This is a service that many accounting firms have provided for years. Thanks to recent developments in technology, 比如基于云计算的会计平台的出现,以及远程通信工具的显著改进, it’s easier to outsource your accounting now than at any time in the past. As a result, client accounting services are rapidly growing in popularity.

If you haven’t outsourced any accounting tasks until now, it’s natural to be unsure about whether it’s a good match for your business. 您可能不清楚可以外包给外部合作伙伴的会计任务类型,或者没有意识到采用这种方法可以获得的好处.

在这个概述中, 我们将详细介绍什么是客户会计服务,并分享可以外包的会计任务. 我们还将探讨企业将其会计需求外包给经验丰富的客户会计服务提供商(如LBMC)所能获得的好处.

Client 会计 Services: A Definition

What are Client 会计 Services?

Here’s a simple definition: When a business outsources their CAS, it simply means that they outsource some, 或全部, of their accounting processes to an external accounting firm.

Businesses have the freedom to choose which tasks they want to outsource. 这些通常是由内部会计部门执行的任务, including preparing financial reports and running payroll. Depending on the service provider, businesses can outsource some 或全部 of their accounting processes.

客户会计服务通常被称为外包会计服务. These services are typically ongoing engagements. Businesses tend to work with the same CAS provider for a long time, and will often add additional services, 如 税收筹划 or strategic advisory services.

Which 会计 Tasks Can Be Outsourced?

Depending on the CAS firm you choose to partner with, it’s possible to outsource all manner of accounting tasks. 这些可以从建立你的会计基础设施到帮助塑造你的企业未来的财务战略.

Generally, CAS can be categorized into three distinct service tiers:

  1. 簿记服务
  2. 会计 and 控制器 services
  3. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services



Bookkeeping is the foundation of all good accounting. 这是一个相对低级的职位,但对你的业务成功至关重要. 簿记员的职责是整理你的财务数据,确保记录准确无误.

That entails tasks including:

  • 核对银行帐目
  • Maintaining ledgers and recording transactions
  • 工资
  • Tracking accounts receivable and accounts payable

The majority of these tasks are relatively monotonous and time-consuming, 因此, they can be a real drain for entrepreneurs and business owners. By outsourcing these services to a CAS firm, 如果知道自己的财务记录是准确的,领导者就可以收回时间,高枕无忧.

会计 and 控制器 Services

In addition to simple bookkeeping tasks, 企业家也可以将更高级的会计任务外包给CAS提供商. This saves business owners from hiring a dedicated CPA on a full-time salary. 相反,他们可以根据需要获得为CAS事务所工作的外部注册会计师的服务.


  • Set up and ongoing management of digital accounting tools
  • 财务报告,包括创建重要的报告,如利润 & Loss 状态ments and Balance Sheets
  • Communicating with external financial partners 如 banks and lenders

Many of these tasks would form part of the responsibilities of a 控制器. 出于这个原因,一些CAS提供商将这些服务称为“外包控制器服务”。. While there may be some differences between different firms, accounting services and controller services are broadly similar.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Services

Many CAS firms only provide bookkeeping and accounting services, 但也有一些公司提供更高级的服务:外包首席财务官, 或首席财务官. This service tends to be more of a strategic advisory engagement, 为企业提供经过验证的财务领导力,帮助他们在更快的时间内实现财务目标.

An outsourced CFO can provide a variety of services. 许多外包CFO服务采用灵活的方法,并根据您企业的独特需求提供量身定制的咨询服务.

Services typically include:

  • Defining financial strategy
  • Financial forecasting and budgeting
  • Building internal financial controls and business processes
  • Overseeing debt or equity financing processes

与外包CFO合作可以让任何规模的企业充分利用杰出财务领导者的专业知识和技能. 这些服务通常以咨询的形式提供,可能只持续很短的时间, although many businesses work with an outsourced CFO on an ongoing basis.

What Are the 好处 of Using Client 会计 Services?

将您的会计需求外包给CAS提供商为企业提供了许多好处. 简单来说, 与客户会计服务公司合作,企业可以获得高质量的会计服务,而成本只是内部会计服务的一小部分.

There are a wide range of additional benefits that accompany this. 外包会计为企业主腾出了更多的时间来发展他们的业务. There’s no need to spend time recruiting, 新员工培训, 管理一个会计团队——所有的事情都外包给一个拥有所有工具和流程的团队,他们需要开始运作.

Partnering with the right CAS firm ensures a rigorous, 详细的会计方法,利用整个金融行业的最佳实践. 企业所有者将受益于对其财务状况的更清晰的了解,并获得经过验证的财务领导,这有助于他们推动业务向前发展.

LBMC: Your Client 会计 Services Expert

在LBMC, 我们很自豪能够为许多不同类型的企业提供客户会计服务——从成熟的公司到创新的初创公司.

明升体育app下载理念是基于客户的需求为客户提供会计服务. 为此目的, 我们提供广泛的服务,包括从基本的簿记到高级首席财务官级别的指导. 我们将企业家精神带入我们所做的每一件事,并了解如何帮助您的业务更上一层楼.

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